Just as Raisa and I had put the final touches on VillaTaika, after 15 years,
we found this:
The exact circumstances of how we managed to buy it remain a mystery, but it is certain that on 01.04.2020 our life changed dramatically.
As one can see it is ridiculisly big, which we like to call full of possibilities. We have events, resident artists, nomads, volunteers, makers, And we are starting to build a community.
I met the love of my life 24.04.2004 and we got married 07.07.2007. Almost daily i am reminded how miraculous being loved and being able to love actually is. No wonder there are so many songs along the line "love is all you need".
Raisa is just about the most wonderful opposite of me, being a dance teacher, clown, dj and general force of life. Reminding us yearly with her Wonder Of Life Fesitival how precius our time is.
After studying physics i programmed prefessionally for about 10 years. Then i moved to the country and started a new life.
Later i came back to coding semi professional, and even later (now), just for fun
At some point i started the building company, and now we are building a community Feenix.
After doing the other things (events etc), and a lot of landscaping around the house, my main focus is now the makerspace.
For me the creativity has never been paintin, more learning new techniques ,and putting things (materials) together in new ways. Making things that i didn't know how before, thus the makerspace.
I finally bought a printer, and then another (anycubic predator) and another (VCore3). Now that we have a real need, see feenix project.
So i tried to learn to design, but in the end found it easier to program the shapes i wanted. The result, with adjustable knobs, off course realtime 3d preview and stl export, has it's own page here
I was suprprised in 2010 or so by actually starting to enjoy coding again.
And having witnessed the rise and oh so sad fall of ruby, i tried to do something to restore developers faith in dynamic oo, namely writing a to binary compliler for ruby, called ruby-x. This was slightly naive, in that it is a much larger project than i thought, but i did manage to get some binaries. Now i let the pros at shopify carry the tortch, and they are doing a good job.
Before that i had learned rails and built a POS and online system for our shop, that we have now used for over 10 years.
Now with Feenix, which already has 6 sites, i finally wrote a
simple CMS which uses tailwind.
I called it breeze, because with it is so easy to use.
Having enjoyed woodworking as a hobby, i took up building part time after Villa Taika was done.
Soon after i met Dave from England who introduced me to Timber framing and we did that together for many years.
Then we have started a company to build houses that have a timber frame at it's core, and are very ecological.
Change has come again and this is now a hobby again (the circle of life?). I still hope to build a home again, but now we build a community.
Talking to people and explaining what a timber-frame again and again, resulted in a 3d visualisation tool.
With the tool one can change the size of the frame and wood, and have different kind of trusses and see the result in real-time. It is now only availble at the old site, click below.
After we finalized the ecoframe house concept ( a thick insulation around a carrying timber-frame) i wrote another app to demonstrate it.
Not only does it show the different layers of the concept (about 10) and let you change the size, it can animate the sequence of contruction. All in 3d and real time editable, very satisfying. Unfortunately not integrated into the new site, click below
We bought an old school and remodelled it into a beautiful B&B called Villa Taika. The name means something like natural wonder, and mostly through Raisa's keen eye (who knew women actually have more color receptors), many enjoy it a small holiday to asia, without leaving the country. Off season we rented to courses too.
Remodelling our home is what got me into (wood) building, and working with wood.
There was a fire in 2024 and now thte house needs remodelling (very literal feenix energy). Then it will be part of feenix, maybe the residency.